Dr. 马特·詹宁斯

Assistant Professor

Cohen Science Center Room 231
(570) 408-4581

  • PhD, Biological Sciences | University of Arkansas, 2016
  • 女士、生物学 | Villanova University, 2010
  • BS, 生物学/Philosophy | University of Scranton, 2005
  • Microbial Physiology and Genetics
  • Methanogen Physiology
  • 生物技术
  • Cave 微生物学

Engineered Living Materials

Engineered Living Materials (ELM) is a type of biotechnology where construction materials are modified by the addition of microbes to add functionality to the material. 一种材料 may be modified to provide additional strength, increase its longevity, or add the ability to self-repair in a limited fashion. As a postdoc, I helped develop self-healing 涂料(e.g. paint) through the addition of microbes which promote the precipitation of calcium carbonate when damaged. We used microbes isolated from mineral rich environments (caves) which possessed high natural calcification phenotypes. The utilization of cave environmental isolates for this application was a unique approach to ELM, and there is much that can be done to modify and improve the calcification phenotype of these isolates.

Calcification in Escherichia 杆菌

Initial experiments with Escherichia 杆菌 demonstrated calcification can be improved through controlled expression and deletion of specific genes. However, we still have only a partial understanding of how metabolic processes impact calcification. I am currently studying the impact of gene deletions on calcification in E. 杆菌 to identify genes which are essential to the overall process. We are also studying over expression of these genes to determine if the calcification phenotype can be 增加.

Physiology of cave microorganisms

Caves are nutrient and energy poor environments that have high levels of inorganic 分子. Microbes have evolved unique traits to survive in these conditions, however these traits remain understudied due to the difficulty in accessing caves to collect samples, and experiments have been conducted on only a few select isolates. 洞穴 microbes isolated for the ELM project can be used as models to examine how microbes adapt to the unique environment of caves. However, a usable genetic system needs to be developed for these strains before any detailed studies can begin. I am currently trying different systems used for closely related lab strains to determine if they will work in the cave isolates.

  • BIOL 398: General 微生物学
  • BIOL 113: 微生物学
  • Breley GJ, 詹宁斯我, Gisser K, Drabik A, Kainrad J, Barton HA: Techniques for quantifying bacterially induced carbonate mineralization in Escherichia 杆菌. 提交.
  • 詹宁斯我, Chia N, Boardman LA, Metcalf WW: Draft genome sequence of Methanobrevibacter smithii isolate WWM1085 from a human stool sample. Genome Announcements 2017, 5(39): e01055-17.
  • 詹宁斯我, Lessner跳频, Karr EA, Lessner DJ: The [4Fe-4S] clusters of subunit D are key determinants in the post D-L heterodimer assembly of RNA polymerase in Methanosarcina acetivorans. MicorbiologyOpen. DOI: 10.1002 / mbo3.399. 2016.
  • 詹宁斯我, Schaff CW, Horne AJ, Lessner跳频, Lessner DJ: Expression of a bacterial catalase in a strictly anaerobic methanogen significantly increases tolerance to hydrogen peroxide but not oxygen. 微生物学 2014, 160(Pt 2):270-278.
  • Lessner跳频, 詹宁斯我, Hirata A, Duin EC, Lessner DJ: Subunit D of RNA Polymerase from Methanosarcina acetivorans Contains Two Oxygen-labile [4Fe-4S] Clusters: IMPLICATIONS FOR OXIDANT-DEPENDENT REGULATION OF TRANSCRIPTION. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012, 287(22):18510-18523.
  • 詹宁斯我, Quick LN, Ubol N, Shrom S, Dollahon N, Wilson JW: Characterization of Salmonella Type III Secretion Hyper-Activity Which Results in Biofilm-Like Cell Aggregation. 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》 2012, 7(3):e33080.
  • 詹宁斯我, Quick LN, Soni A, Davis RR, Crosby K, Ott CM, Nickerson CA, Wilson JW: Characterization of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ydcI gene, which encodes a conserved DNA binding protein required for full acid stress resistance. J Bacteriol 2011, 193(9):2208-2217.