

Students requesting accommodations and services at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 are required to submit documentation to determine eligibility in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. 以下 guidelines are provided in the interest of assuring that documentation is complete 和准确的. The DSS office reserves the right to determine eligibility and appropriate 住宿/服务基于文件的质量、近代性和完整性 提交. All documentation is confidential and will be maintained by the DSS office.


重要的是,评估人员要有全面的培训和直接的经验 有特殊的残疾. 申请人的姓名、职称和专业资格证书 评估者,包括有关执照或认证,就业和州/省的信息 是否应在文件中明确说明. 所有的报告都要有抬头, 打印,日期,签名和其他易读.

Include a diagnostic statement identifying the disability

评估报告必须明确说明病情是如何诊断的, the functional impact 残疾的问题, and expected progression of the disabling 条件.


A comprehensive assessment battery and report typically includes:

  1. 现有损害的证据
  2. 背景资料(出现问题的历史,任何重要的发展, 医学,社会心理信息,家族史,学术回顾,回顾 先前的评估报告,当前功能限制的描述 to education, and relevant history of prior treatment, therapy, or accommodations)
  3. Relevant testing (use of multiple 措施) and interpretation of results
  4. 具体的诊断
  5. 排除其他诊断或解释
  6. 综合总结,包括建议


讨论残疾状况如何影响个人的一个或多个主要生活 activities in terms of severity, frequency, and pervasiveness.


提供有关残疾对功能影响的任何预期变化的信息 over time and in response to any 环境al triggers. 有关干预措施的资料 也很有帮助.

Discuss current and/or past accommodations, services, and/or medications

It is important to note any current and/or prior accommodations, support services, 辅助器具、药物等. 以及它们对功效的影响 残疾的问题.

Provide recommendations for accommodations, services, and strategies

  1. Include specific recommendations and rationale for accommodations.
  2. Include a description of the impact of diagnosed disability on specific major life 活动.
  3. 建议应以具体的测试结果和/或临床观察为依据.

Prior history of any particular accommodation does not, in and of itself, warrant 它的持续供应. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 Plan is 没有足够的残疾证明文件.

The documentation guidelines discussed above were adapted from the Seven Essential “AHEAD最佳实践残疾文档”中的质量残疾文档要素 在高等教育中.


  • 学习障碍
    • 申请住宿的学生(5年内)的文件必须是当前的 for a learning disability and must include the following:
  • 诊断访谈
    • Presenting problems, medical, developmental, psychosocial, 等. 还有关于 必要时双重诊断


  • 一个完整的智力评估与所有的综合/子测试标准分数报告


  • 一个全面的学术成就电池应该包括当前的功能水平 在相关领域,如阅读(解码和理解),数学和口语 以及书面语言.


  • 信息处理的特定领域(如.g.短期和长期记忆,顺序 记忆,听觉和视觉感知/处理,处理速度,执行功能, and motor ability) should be evaluated and diagnosed as appropriate.


  • It is important to rule out alternative explanations for problems in learning such 情绪、注意力或动机问题可能会干扰学习 但不构成学习障碍. 评估者应该使用直接的语言 if he/she is diagnosing and documenting a learning disability, avoiding the use of terms such as "suggests" or "is indicative of" a learning disability.


  • 测试结果应记录学习障碍的性质和严重程度 and data should logically reflect a substantial limitation to learning. 标准分数 和/或百分位数应包括在内,并期望与确定的相关 functional limitations and recommendations for accommodation.

Interpretative summary based on a comprehensive assessment should include:

  • 讨论模式如何影响学生的认知能力、成就和/或 information processing indicate the presence of a learning disability
  • Statement as to if the learning disability substantially impacts learning or other major life 活动 and the degree to which it impacts the individual’s learning
  • Indication as to why specific accommodations are needed and how the effects of the 特殊残疾可予照顾
  • 任何先前住宿或支持服务的使用
  • Medical information, as appropriate, should include the impact of medication on the student's ability to meet the demands in a post-secondary 环境
  • Rule out possible alternative diagnoses or explanations for the symptoms (e.g.,可怜的 教育、缺乏动力、情绪问题、注意力问题和文化/语言问题 差异)


因为多动症的症状可以在青春期晚期和成年期得到改善,所以全面 evaluation must have been obtained within the last three years. 诊断报告 必须根据DSM-IV标准明确注意力缺陷多动症的具体诊断,并且必须包括 the following information in order to establish eligibility for ADA protection:

  1. A clear statement of the existence of an 注意力障碍 (use DSM-IV codes)
    • 314.极度不专心型
    • 314.极度活跃-冲动型
    • 314.01组合式
    • 314.9未特别说明
  2. 的综合书面报告:
    • DSM-IV所描述的当前表现症状,包括有关的信息 symptoms that cause impairment in two or more settings (e.g.(工作、家庭、学校)
  3. 历史: 
    • 发展,f家庭、医疗、社会心理、心理、药理学、教育、就业、 等.
  4. 早期损伤的证据: 
    • 儿童时期注意力不集中和/或多动症的学生/家长/老师提供 七岁前出现症状
  5. Diagnostic test battery and determination of severity: 
    • 多方面的评估,包括历史资料、观察和客观诊断 措施
    • Tests of intelligence, cognition/information processing and academic achievement (which may not be part of the diagnostic process for 注意力缺陷多动症 itself), but usually are needed by the university to determine the current impact 残疾的问题 on the student's academic performance
    • This information also is used to determine reasonable accommodations. 此外, 这些评估有助于排除并发疾病的诊断; 单一测试或评定量表的分数不足以作为文件; 诊断评估中使用的标准化测试和评定量表报告 必须包括定量信息,包括标准分数和百分位排名)
  6. 鉴别诊断: 
    • 检查对症状的其他解释的可能性,包括医学、 精神病学,教育,和/或文化因素影响个人和可能 会导致与多动症相似的行为,并可能出现共病诊断
  7. 临床医师专业资格证书: 
    • 必须接受鉴别诊断和全面精神疾病方面的培训 比如有执照的临床心理学家,神经心理学家,精神科医生等等 relevantly trained medical doctors; reports must be typed on official letterhead, and must include the name, title, professional credentials, address and phone/fax 评估者的号码
    • 描述当前对学习或其他专业的功能影响 与学术经历相关的生活活动
    • 一份关于个人要求住宿的声明,包括理由 as to why these accommodation(s) are warranted and how they relate to the disorder
    • A statement regarding how medication (if appropriate) may or may not mitigate the 注意力障碍. (include dosage, frequency, and any adverse side effects)


  • A clear statement of the diagnosis of the medical or physical disability
  • Date of initial identification and date of current evaluation
  • 用于诊断的评估程序和评估工具的总结
  • 对当前症状/特征的描述,包括残疾的严重程度 预期持续时间
  • 关于主要生活活动和具体学术功能的信息 are affected by the disability in a college setting (e.g.走路,看,听, 执行手工任务、学习、集中注意力、上课、按时完成任务、 等.)
  • 药物和治疗信息,包括可能影响学生的副作用 能够在大学环境中工作
  • Recommendations regarding reasonable accommodations or services appropriate at the 高等教育水平,包括这些住宿的明确理由和理由


该文件必须包括个人当前的综合评估 包括下列条件的条件:

  • 明确的残疾陈述,包括DSM-IV诊断和描述 现在的症状
  • 用于诊断的评估程序和评估工具的总结 并对评价结果进行总结
  • 有关残疾严重程度和具体学术功能的信息 that are affected because 残疾的问题 across university settings (e.g.、工作 completion, concentrating, class attendance, social interactions, self-care, 等.).
  • 关于药物的信息,包括副作用,和/或其他治疗问题,如 这可能会影响学生满足大学要求的能力 环境
  • 住宿建议,包括住宿的基本原理 关于残疾的具体特征/症状

*If the documentation does not reflect the current array of symptoms/features and level of functioning, the student may be required to submit updated information.